Ricardo Chu

FullStack Developer

I bring ideas to life through code and creativity, crafting modern web applications with attention to detail, UX and performance.

ProjectsView all

Blog Platform for Developers

Fullstack app clone of Dev.to. Create posts, comment, share your profile and more.

  • next
  • react-hook-form
  • postgresql
  • oauth
  • mdx
  • zod

AI Playground (Coming soon)

Explore amazing apps powered by Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models.

  • next
  • typescript
  • langchain
  • ai

Cryptocurrency Manager

CryptoView let you explore news, manage, and gain insightful analysis on cryptocurrencies.

  • react
  • express
  • plotly
  • mongodb
  • netlify-functions
  • vite

E-commerce Store

Fullstack tech e-commerce app with React/Next and Stripe payment.

  • next
  • stripe
  • zustand

Currency Converter

Real-time currency conversion with more than 150 options.

  • next
  • shadcn-ui


Personal website, portfolio and blog. Next.js 13 with App Router API and SSR.

  • next
  • typescript
  • tailwind
  • contentlayer

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